Impacto socioeconómico y ambiental de la certificación orgánica-comercio justo de café (Coffea arabica) en la Región Frailesca, Chiapas, México
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Aguilar Ruiz, Julio A.
Tesis de maestría
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Socioeconomic and environmental impact of organic certification, fair trade coffee (Coffea arabica) in Region franilesca, Chiapas, México
Tesis (Maestría) -- CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2012
y de un grupo control de 30 productores convencionales no certificados.La certificación ha contribuido a desarrollar y fortalecer el capital humano, a través del conocimiento técnico en las prácticas sostenibles. En el capital social se observa la consolidación de la organización Finca Triunfo Verde. Mientras que en el capital político los productores mencionaron el acceso a mejores condiciones de financiamiento para las actividades productivas. Se requiere implementar estrategias para mejorar la productividad del café y fortalecer el valor agregado del café. El presente estudio analiza mediante el Marco de los Capitales de la Comunidad, las herramientas COSA: (Committee on Sustainability Assessment) y Huella de Carbono el impacto de la certificación dual de café orgánico y comercio justo en los medios de vida de pequeños productores de café. El estudio compara una muestra de 31 productores orgánicos de la Cooperativa Finca Triunfo Verde This research analyzes the impact of two certification schemes, such as organic and fair trade, in coffee producers livelihoods through the application of the Community Capitals Framework, COSA’s:1 toolbox, and the Carbon Footprint. The research compares a sample of 31 producers organically certified, with a control group of 30 conventional non-certified producers.Certification has contributed to develop and strength the human capital through the generation of technical knowledge applicable to sustainable practices. With regards to the social capital, it has been observed the consolidation of the Cooperative TriunfoVerde’s management systeMON.Concerning the political capital, producers recognized access to better financial terMON and conditions for their productive activities. In addition, the impact in the natural capital is observed in the withdrawal of conventional agricultural practices, which reduce the contamination of soil, water and carbon dioxide emissions. In the economic field, even though certified producers benefit from price premium, they don’t obtain higher net income (2,582.90 USD/ha) in comparison to conventional producers (2,550.27 USD/ha). It is required to implement strategies to improve coffee productivity and sthrength its value added.
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica)
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- Tesis [1235]