Certificación de hoteles y restaurantes para promover la adopción de prácticas amigables con el agua en la Sub-cuenca del Río Copán, Honduras
Tesis (M. Sc) -- CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2011
La presente investigación aporta los elementos clave para el desarrollo de un programa de certificación agua-amigable de hoteles y restaurantes en la sub-cuenca del Rio Copán, Honduras. Basado en una revisión de la literatura academica y gris, hay razón para pensar que un programa de certificación puede generar incentivos económicos para una adopción sostenible de prácticas agua-amigables por parte de los hoteles y restaurantes motivados por la potencial preferencia y predisposición a pagar más de los turistas que visitan Copan Ruinas (principal centro urbano de la Sub-cuenca y el más importante destino turístico de Honduras), por los productos y servicios agua-amigables ofertados. This research provides the essential inputs for the design and implementation of a waterfriendly certification program for hotels and restaurants in the sub-basin of the Rio Copan, Honduras. Based on a review ofthe academic and grey literatures, there is reason to think that a certification program can generate economic incentives for the adoption of water-friendly practices by hotels and restaurants encouraged by the potential preference and willingness-topay of tourists who visit Copan Ruinas (the major city in the Rio Copan sub-basin and a major tourist destination in Honduras), by products and water-friendly services offered. This research provides the essential inputs for the design and implementation of a waterfriendly certification program for hotels and restaurants in the sub-basin of the Rio Copan, Honduras. Based on a review ofthe academic and grey literatures, there is reason to think that a certification program can generate economic incentives for the adoption of water-friendly practices by hotels and restaurants encouraged by the potential preference and willingness-topay of tourists who visit Copan Ruinas (the major city in the Rio Copan sub-basin and a major tourist destination in Honduras), by products and water-friendly services offered.
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba (Costa Rica)
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- Tesis [3054]