The effects of local and landscape context on leafhopper (Hemiptera: cicadellinae) communities in coffeee agroforestry system of Costa Rica
Tesis (Ph. D.) -- CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica) -- University of Idaho (Estados Unidos de América), 2008
This study examined the effects of local (shade composition, organic or conventional management, and weed management) and landscape (surrounding land uses) context on sharpshooter communities in coffee agroforestry systeMON (CAFS) within the Volcánica Central-Talamanca Biological Corridor (VCTBC), in Costa Rica. Although research is needed on the epidemiology of X. fastidiosa, we found that species that have tested positive for the presence of the bacteria are negatively affected by shade. Increasing shade could be a strategy for management of these species in coffee agroforestry systeMON. This practice also increases the level of other ecosystem services provided by coffee agroforestry systeMON.
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica)
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (EUA)
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- Tesis [3054]