Inducing resistance of spanish cedar Cedrela odorata L. and mahogany swietenia macrophylla King against y Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) by grafting
Fecha de publicación
Pérez Flores, Julián
Tesis de doctorado
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Tesis (Ph.D.) -- CATIE, Escuela de Posgrado, Turrialba (Costa Rica), University Idaho, 2006
A viable management program to prevent the shootborer Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) from damaging Swietenia macrophylla King and Cedrela odorata L. wich are the most valuable timber species in Latin America, is currently needed to establish commercial plantations.Micropropagation techniques for C. odorata and S. macrophylla useful for cloning selected resistant trees were also examined. For in vitro establisment, initial contamination was reduced from 90% to 30% by using NaOCI or plant preservative mixture, and benzylaminopurine improved bud break on shoot explants of S. macrophylla by more than double compared to C. odorata shoots.
Palabras clave
Tripepi, Robert
Aguilar, Maria
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba (Costa Rica) University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (EUA)
URI (Enlace permanente para citar o compartir este ítem)
- Tesis [3050]