Aplicación de atributos de buena gobernanza ambiental en paisajes clave de Guatemala para su adhesión a la red regional de bosques modelo
Alternative title
Good environment governance of attributes aplication in key landscapes from Guatemala for its affiliation to the regional iberoamerican network of model forests
Tesis (Mag.Sc) -- CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2008
El trabajo consistió en la aplicación del estándar desarrollado por LAC-Net, hoy, la red iberoamericana de bosques modelo (RIABM) en tres paisajes potenciales a conformar la red los que constituyen distintos modelos de gestión participativa para el manejo forestal sostenible en tres regiones de Guatemala. Se identificaron los paisajes con mayor potencial a cumplir con los atributos de buena gobernanza que caracterizan a los bosques modelo y se encontraron los procesos que favorecen el desarrollo de iniciativas de bosque modelo y su involucramiento en procesos de gestión a favor del manejo forestal sostenible. The objective of this study was to analyze sustainable forest governance to landscape scale working out in Guatemala and its sinergy with the framework of the proposed standard for the regional model forests. This study consisted in the application of the standard developed by LAC-Net, today the iberoamerican model forest network (IAMFN) in three potential landscapes to be part of the network these landscapes constitute participatory management models for the sustainable forestry management in three regions from Guatemala. The study identified landscapes with more potential to comply with the good governance attributes that characterize the model forests and the processes that favor the development of these initiatives and the involvement of processes that favor the sustainable forest management.
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica)
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