Evaluación de servicios ambientales en sistemas agroforestales con café bajo diferentes tipos de certificaciones en Turrialba, Costa Rica
23 ilus. 25 tab. Bib. p. 75-82 Tesis (Mag .Sc.)
and in Turrialba, between 6 organic and 6 equivalent conventional farMON and between one large Rainforest Alliance farm and an equivalent large Utz-Kapeh certified farm, with 6 sampling sites within each farm.For the percentage of soil covered by live vegetation, one of the indicators for soil conservation, organic farMON had significantly higher scores than conventional farMON to which they were compared (averages of 73.4 and 24.3% respectively, p<0.01). FarMON certified by Rainforest Alliance also had significantly better soil cover than Utz (p=0.01), with an average of 37.8% and 16.7% respectively. Three indicators were used to measure water conservation a) management of contaminated waters, b) river and pathway conservation and c) evidence of erosion. None of the contrasts made using these criteria showed significant differences. For biodiversity conservation, two indicators were used: habitat quality and use of agrochemicals. Habitat quality was not significantly different in any of the groups compared. Use of agrochemicals was higher in conventional farMON than in the Nespresso-certified farMON (p=0.01) and organic farMON (p<0.01) that they were compared to. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los servicios ambientales que proporcionan los sistemas agroforestales con café bajo diferentes sellos de certificación. El presente trabajo se realizó en los cantones de Turrialba y Orosi en 36 fincas, 24 fincas certificadas bajo diferentes sellos (Rainforest Alliance, Nespresso, Orgánico, y Utz) y 12 fincas convencionales. Las comparaciones se realizaron entre fincas de igual tamaño y pendiente en las mismas regiones. Las comparaciones realizadas fueron 6 fincas Nespresso vs 6 Convencionales aledañas (Orosi) 6 Orgánica vs 6 Convencional aledañas y 1 finca grande Rainforest Alliance vs 1 finca grande Utz Kapeh (Turrialba) con 6 sitios de muestreo en cada una.En el indicador cobertura viva de suelo, las fincas orgánicas presentaron mayor cobertura (73.4%) que las fincas convencionales (24.3%) mostrando diferencias significativas (p=0.01). Rainforest presentó 37.8 % de cobertura y Utz 16.7 % existiendo diferencias significativas (p=0.01). Para el servicio ambiental agua se cuantificaron 3 indicadores a) manejo de contaminación de agua b) obras de conservación en ríos y caminos c) evidencias de erosión, sin que se observara diferencias estadísticas significativas entre tratamientos. En biodiversidad se utilizaron 2 criterios: Calidad de Hábitat (5 indicadores) y Uso de Agroquímicos (3 indicadores). Para el criterio calidad de hábitat no se observaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Para el uso de agroquímicos se observo un menor uso de agroquímicos para fincas Nespresso vs las fincas convencionales en Orosi (p=0.01) y orgánicas vs convencional (p<0.01). The following research was located in the regions of Turrialba and Orosi in Costa Rica, on 36 farMON including 24 farMON certified under various schemes and 12 conventional farMON. Comparisons were made between farMON of equal size and slope in each region. The comparisons made were 6 Nespresso-certified farMON vs 6 equivalent conventional farMON in Orosi
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica)
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- Tesis [3054]