Strategic planning of national or regional systems of biosphere reserves: a methodology and case study from Costa Rica
Ilus. Tab. 8 ref. Sum. (En)
More than a decade of experience in various Latin American and Caribbean countries in the planning of subsysteMON of protected natural areas of different categories contributed to a methodology for the identification, evaluation and selection of a national system of biosphere reserves. The methodology's 11 steps provide clear guidelines for a scientifically and technically-based selection process, resulting in biosphere reserves which have been uniformly analyzed, evaluated and qualified, both individually and as a system. It also takes into account all existing protected areas of other management categories. In addition, management strategies indispensible for the implementation of the system. The application of the methodology in Costa Rica permitted its testing and provided a case study which may be useful to other countries interested in carrying out similar planning exercises
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica)
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