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dc.contributor.authorArgueta, Bertha
dc.contributor.authorMason, Nathaniel
dc.contributor.authorSteadman, Shandelle
dc.contributor.authorRobertson, Michai
dc.contributor.authorWatson, Charlene
dc.contributor.authorImbach, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorZamora, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorBouroncle, Claudia
dc.contributor.authorSkrinjaric, Tea
dc.description.abstractThis paper is the second in a pair of reports exploring how climate-resilient development can be supported through the implementation of the third long-term goal of the Paris Agreement, Article 2.1(c). As identified in the first paper, acknowledging the importance of climate-resilient development within Article 2.1(c) requires that implementation does not focus solely on climate change mitigation, but equally supports adaptation and sustainable development for all (Robertson et al., 2023). This paper looks at how this could be done in the context of small-scale agrifood systems, which play a key role in climate-resilient development, support the livelihoods of 2–3 billion people and supply up to 70% of food consumed in low- and middle-income countries (IFAD, 2021b).es_ES
dc.format.extent61 paginases_ES
dc.relation.ispartofODI Report. Londones_ES
dc.subjectAdaptación al cambio climático||climate change adaptation||undefined||adaptation aux changements climatiqueses_ES
dc.subjectMitigación del cambio climático||climate change mitigation||undefined||atténuation des effets du changement climatiquees_ES
dc.subjectSector agroalimentario||agrifood sector||sector agroalimentar||secteur agro-alimentairees_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas internacionales||international policies||undefined||politiques internationaleses_ES
dc.subjectAcuerdos comerciales||trade agreements||acordo comercial||accord commerciales_ES
dc.subjectEmisiones de gases de efecto invernadero||greenhouse gas emissions||undefined||émissions de gaz à effet de serrees_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas públicas||public policies||undefined||politique publiquees_ES
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales_ES
dc.titleMaking finance flow to adaptation  in small-scale agrifood systems. The role of the third long-term goal of the Paris Agreement.es_ES
dc.typeReporte técnicoes_ES
dc.subject.sdgODS 10 - Reducción de las desigualdadeses_ES
dc.subject.sdgODS 11 - Ciudades y comunidades sostenibleses_ES
dc.subject.sdgODS 12 - Producción y consumo responsableses_ES
dc.subject.sdgODS 13 - Acción por el climaes_ES

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