Browsing Publicaciones en revistas científicas by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 148
A common framework to model recovery in disturbed tropical forests
(Elsevier, 2023-06-11)Despite their exceptional biodiversity and carbon stocks, more than 80% of tropical forests are disturbed. However, a lot of interrogations remain around the ability of vegetation attributes in tropical forests to recover ... -
A framework for selecting and designing policies to reduce marine plastic pollution in developing countries
(2020)The polluting of marine ecosystems with plastics is both a global and a local problem with potentially severe consequences for wildlife, economic activity, and human health. It is a problem that originates in countries ... -
A global map of mangrove forest soil carbon at 30m spatial resolution
(2018)With the growing recognition that effective action on climate change will require a combination of emissions reductions and carbon sequestration, protecting, enhancing and restoring natural carbon sinks have become ... -
A just transition for antimicrobial resistance: planning for an equitable and sustainable future with antimicrobial resistance
(The Lancet, 2023-09-08)It discusses the urgent need to address the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and provides insights on how to reduce its impact in the future. It highlights the consequences of clinically ineffective ... -
A methodological proposal for the evaluation of farmer's adaptation to climate variability, mainly due to drought in watersheds in Central America
(2008)The current study shows the process and the results of a methodology proposed to contribute with the issue of how to evaluate the adaptation to climate variability and future climate change. The proposed methodology consists ... -
A single polyploidization event at the origin of the tetraploid genome of Coffea arabica is responsible for the extremely low genetic variation in wild and cultivated germplasm
(2020)The genome of the allotetraploid species Coffea arabica L. was sequenced to assemble independently the two component subgenomes (putatively deriving from C. canephora and C. eugenioides) and to perform a genome-wide ... -
Above-ground biomass storage potential in primary rain forests managed for timber production in Costa Rica
(Elsevier, Ámsterdam (Países Bajos), 2021-07)Tropical forests play a fundamental role in mitigating climate change through storage of carbon in above- and below- ground biomass. Their mitigation potential is, however, affected by significant greenhouse gas emissions ... -
Accurate Differentiation of Green Beans of Arabica and Robusta Coffee Using Nanofluidic Array of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Markers
(2020)Green (unroasted) coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. The Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) and Robusta (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) species are the two main types of coffees for ... -
Agricultural intensification alters bat assemblage composition and abundance in a dynamic Neotropical landscape
(2016)The recent trend of agricultural intensification in tropical landscapes poses a new threat to biodiversity conservation. Conversion of previously heterogeneous agricultural landscapes to intensive plantation agriculture ... -
Los agroecosistemas cafetaleros modernos y su relación con la conservación de mariposas en paisajes fragmentados
(2018)Land use change by the intensification of agriculture contributes to tropical forest fragmentation and biodiversity loss. In this sense, in comparison with traditional agroforestry systems (AFS), modern AFS are considered ... -
Agroforestry governance for operationalising the landscape approach: connecting conservation and farming actors
(Springer, Berlín (Alemania), 2020-07)The expansion and intensification of agriculture as well as the associated land clearing are threatening both biodiversity and human wellbeing in tropical areas. Implementing agroforestry systems through a landscape ... -
Agroforestry systems provide firewood for livelihood improvement in Guatemala
(CIRAD, Montpellier (France), 2019)Given the context of climate change and poverty, rural populations are increasingly faced with the challenges of appropriate resource management, adequate food production and improving their quality of life. Guatemala ... -
Agronomic conditions of cacao cultivation: its relationship with the capitals endowment of Colombian rural households
(Springer, Nueva York (Estados Unidos), 2020)Abstract Cacao cultivation has great socioeconomic importance for the development of rural areas of Colombia, especially for the approximately 52,000 rural households that depend on it. Therefore, is important to analyze ... -
Almacenamiento de carbono en sistemas agroforestales en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia
(2021-03)Carbon storage in agroforestry systems in Colombia’s Eastern Plains. Introduction: Coffee, cocoa crops and pastures for livestock are agricultural activities of economic interest in Colombia. When these activities are ... -
Altitude and species identity drive leaf litter decomposition rates of ten species on a 2950 m altitudinal gradient in Neotropical rain forests
(2019)Identifying the environmental factors controlling litter decomposition is key to understanding the magnitude and rates of nutrient cycling in tropical forests, and how they may be influenced by climate variability and ... -
An assessment of silvopastoral systems condition and their capacity to generate ecosystem services in the Colombian Amazon
(Taylor and Francis, 2023-06-14)Livestock production in the Colombian Amazonia is typically dual-purpose (meat and milk) based on silvopastoral systems. We aimed to assess how the ecological condition of these systems correspond to the ecosystem services ... -
An Improved Framework for Estimating Organic Carbon Content of Mangrove Soils Using loss-on-ignition and Coastal Environmental Setting
(Springer, 2023-06-22)The use of loss on ignition (LOI) measurements of soil organic matter (SOM) to estimate soil organic carbon (OC) content is a decades-old practice. While there are limitations and uncertainties to this approach, it continues ... -
Análisis de variabilidad genética en Moniliophthora roreri con AP-PCR y RAPD en Antioquia, Colombia
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2007)