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Fortaleciendo la resiliencia del sector cacaotero en República Dominicana: Prevención de la moniliasis a través de clones resistentes
(CATIE - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 2025)El documento aborda la amenaza que representa la moniliasis del cacao (Moniliophthora roreri) para la industria cacaotera de República Dominicana, destacando la necesidad de fortalecer la resiliencia del sector a través ... -
Recomendaciones para contribuir a una ganadería sostenible en la región de los países del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana
(CATIE - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 2025-01)El interés de los países en desarrollar un sector ganadero que impulse el crecimiento económico y social, con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad ambiental, ha motivado acciones para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto ... -
Effects of functional diversity on ecosystem services in cocoa agroforestry systems in Costa Rica
(Frontiers, 2025-01-08)Cocoa agroforestry systems (AFS) provide multiple ecosystem services, which are influenced by features of the shade tree community. By strategically selecting and managing shade trees based on their functional traits, cocoa ... -
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Frameworks Applied to Coffee Plant Detection from Close-Range UAS-RGB Imagery in Costa Rica
(MDPI, 2024-11-10)Introducing artificial intelligence techniques in agriculture offers new opportunities for improving crop management, such as in coffee plantations, which constitute a complex agroforestry environment. This paper presents ... -
Spatiotemporal analysis of wildfires and their relationship with climate and land use in the Gran Chaco and Pantanal ecoregions
(2024-12-10)The Gran Chaco and Pantanal ecoregions are the largest remaining dry forest areas in South America. Supporting diverse savanna, woodland and wetland ecosystems, these ecoregions are experiencing rapid changes in land use ... -
Contribution of local knowledge in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) to the well‑being of cocoa families in Colombia a response from the relationship
(Springer Nature, 2024)The concept of well-being of rural families is part of a theory under construction in which new theoretical elements are constantly being incorporated. This research aims to determine the influence of farmers’ knowledge ... -
The Phenology of Coffea arabica var. Esperanza L4A5 Under Different Agroforestry Associations and Fertilization Conditions in the Caribbean Region of Costa Rica
(MDPI, 2024-11-06)This study focused on the phenology of Coffea arabica var. Esperanza L4A5, an F1 interspecific hybrid obtained by crossing commercial varieties with wild genotypes from Ethiopia and Sudan. Most phenological studies on C. ... -
Local mechanism of engagement in rural landscapes in the Nicaragua - Honduras sentinel landscape: examples of a local farmers organisation and a multi-actor platform
(2024-06-01)Landscape approaches have been encouraged as a means of addressing the intricate challen- ges related to natural resource management and the well-being of land users/farmers. The study presents two mechanisms applied to ... -
Assessing Fire Regimes in the Paraguayan Chaco: Implications for Ecological and Fire Management
(2024-09-29)This study analyzed the fire regime in the highly diverse Paraguayan Chaco, focusing on different aspects of fire patterns, including spatial (area burned) and temporal (frequency) aspects and magnitude (severity). We ... -
Guadeloupe and Haiti's coffee genetic resources reflect the crop's regional and global history
(2024-09-04)Despite strong historical declines, Guadeloupe and Haiti's coffee sectors remain important to rural communities' livelihood and resilience. Coffee also holds value as part of the islands' historical legacy and cultural ...