Some physical aspects of Brazilian green coffee beans and the quality of the beverage
Alternative title
Algunos aspectos físicos de los granos de café verde brasileño y la calidad de la bebida.
Green coffee samples classified as Soft (mild taste) and Rio (phenolic or medicinal taste) with respect to the quality of the beverage were subjected to physical analysis. Electron scanning microscopy and light microscopy of sections were used to compare both types of coffee. The results showed that Rio coffee had lower densities, thinner cell walls and lower cell wall/cytosol volume ratio. These differences were attributed to cell wall degradation on bad conditions upon harvesting/processing and/or storage. These studies indicate the probable role of cell wall degradation products on coffee flavor, although at presente it is not possible to conclude that cell wall components are the sole factors responsible for the Rio flavor
Calidad de los alimentos||food quality||qualidade do alimento||qualité des aliments, Clasificación de productos||grading||calibragem||classement, Granos||grain||grão||grain, Microscopia||microscopy||microscopia||microscopie, Anatomía de la planta||plant anatomy||Anatomia vegetal||anatomie végétale, Propiedades organolépticas||organoleptic properties||propriedade organoléptica||propriété organoleptique,
Sede Central
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Is part of
Turrialba; Vol. 26, no. 1
URI (Permanet link to cite or share this item)
- Turrialba [532]