Correlación entre los principales componentes del rendimiento y la calidad de fibra en tres variedades comerciales de algodón (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Alternative title
Correlation between the main yield components and fiber quality in three commercial varieties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Commercial plots were planted ont in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) during the first half of 1978, varieties nsed included: Del Cerro, Acala 151770 and Stroman 254. A positive and significant correlation was found to exist bethween capsule size and the number of seeds in each capsule, fiber index with seed index, and fiber strength with length, np to 25 per cent span length. Based on the degree of genetic association beticeen the main components of fiber yield and quality of the varieties tested, it ias found that Stroman 254 was the variety more readily susceptible to plant breeding improvements, followed by Del Cerro and finally by Acala 151770, the variety least susceptible to improvements and therefore considered to hare been stabilized. Result are discussed from the viewpoint that the genes which control the fiber yield and quality components integrate large linkage groups, which are mainly affected by pleiotropismic genes.
Gossypium hirsutum||Gossypium hirsutum||Gossypium hirsutum||Gossypium hirsutum, Rendimiento de cultivos||crop yield||rendimento de cultura||rendement des cultures, Variedades||varieties||variedade||variété, Algodón||cotton||algodão||coton, Genética||genetics||Genética||génétique, Cultivos comerciales||cash crops||cultura comercial||culture de rapport, Semillas||seed||semente||semence, Calidad de los alimentos||food quality||qualidade do alimento||qualité des aliments,
Sede Central
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Is part of
Turrialba; Vol. 30, no. 3
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- Turrialba [532]