Productividad del ajo [Allium sativum], 1: Fertilización nitrogenada y riegos
Alternative title
Garlic [Allium sativum] productivity, 1: Nitrogen fertilization and irrigation
This report is a part of a program aimed to study the nitrogen economy, balance and dynamics in soils in order to obtain better crops. In this paper the effect of nitrogen fertilization and moisture levels on a “pink” garlic variety planted in a sandy clay loam soil is presented.
To obtain a high yielding and excellent quality garlic crops it is suggeste, hectare it is suggested:
— use proven soil and plant management techniques
— mantain good soil phosphorous and potassium levels
— apply 150 kg of N/ha diving the vegetative cycle
— maintain a high soil moisture level
A procedure to establish the crop “quality” by using an “index number” is also presented.
Allium sativum||Allium sativum||Allium sativum||Allium sativum, Ajo||garlic||alho||ail, Abonos nitrogenados||nitrogen fertilizers||adubo azotado||engrais azoté, Rendimiento de cultivos||crop yield||rendimento de cultura||rendement des cultures, Suelos agrícolas||agricultural soils||solo agrícola||sol agricole,
Sede Central
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Is part of
Turrialba; Vol. 28, no. 3
- Turrialba [358]