Eficiencia de la utilización del fósforo del fertilizante por el frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv 'Carioca' en diferentes métodos de aplicación del fertilizante fosfatado
Alternative title
Efficiency of fertilizer phosphorus utilization by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Carioca, under different methods of applying phosphatic fertilizer
An experiment was conducted in Textural B Terra Roxa Soil (TRE), order Alfisol, to study: 1) the efficiency of fertilizer phosphorus utilization by common beans (Phaseolus vilgaris, L.) cv Carioca, under different methods of applying this fertilizer; 2) the influence of a small dose of starter nitrogen fertilizer on utilization of the fertilizer phosphorus and vice-versa; 3) the influence of fertilizer P and its method of application on the utilization of starter nitrogen.
The data show that different methods of applying phosphatic fertilizer did not affect the grain yield, but considering the fertilizer phosphorus utilization by the crop, the best treatment was that in which the phosphorus fertilizer was banded at 8 cm depth, 4 cm below the seed and 4 cm distance from the seed row.
There was no effect of starter nitrogen fertilizer on the utilization of fertilizer phosphorus. The weight and number of nodules were not affected by the starter nitrogen nor by the fertilizer phosphorus.
Phaseolus vulgaris||Phaseolus vulgaris||Phaseolus vulgaris||Phaseolus vulgaris, Aplicación de abonos||fertilizer application||aplicação de fertilizante||fertilisation, Fríjol (phaseolus)||common beans||feijão (phaseolus)||haricot commun, Fósforo||phosphorus||Fósforo||phosphore, Fríjol (phaseolus)||common beans||feijão (phaseolus)||haricot commun,
Sede Central
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Is part of
Turrialba; Vol. 29, no. 1
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- Turrialba [358]