Disponibilidad y contenido de cobre, zinc and magnesio en un ultisol y un inceptisol bajo diferentes niveles de manejo.
Alternative title
Copper, Zinc and Magnesium availability and content in a utisol and inceptisol under different management levels].
Two acid soils (an Ultisol and an Inceptisol), both of which were subjected to intensive or extensive cultivation prior to the experiment, were limed at different levels (exchangeable Al times 0, I.5, or 3) and treated with zero or 30 kg ha-1 of Zit. Tomato was grown in the greenhouse to study the effects of the treatments.
It was observed that Cu absorption by the plant was little affected by liming in both soils, the high Cu Inceptisol or the low Or Ultisol. For both intensities of management, the soil Cu content increased slightly during the experiment.
Liming resulted in a decrease of Zn extraction by tomato from the Ultisol and changed little for the Inceptisol, due to the strong buffer capacity of this last soil. The amount of extractable Zit was increased by the application of the element but its absorption by tomato was not.
High levels of extractable Mn were found in both soils. No effects of management nor of liming were detected on the absorption of the element by tomatoes, probably because not even the highest level of liming increased the pH above 5.9.
Sede Central
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Is part of
Turrialba; Vol. 33, no. 3
URI (Permanet link to cite or share this item)
- Turrialba [532]