Producción de la asociación maíz-frijol, según población, fertilización nitrogenada y momento de siembra
This two-part experiment was carried out during 1978-1979 at San Juan de Lagunillas, Mérida, Venezuela on a typical Cambortid sandy-clay-loam soil. A split-block factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design was used, with four replications. In the first part, an intercropping experiment is described, using eight spacial arrangements of black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Criolla de San Juan) and corn (Zea mays L. cv. Santa Rosa): pure stands and combinations of 125 000 and 250 000 plants/ha of beans, and 25 000 and 50 000 plants/ha of corn. Also, four different levels of N were applied: 0, 40, 90, and 140 kg/ha. In the second part, single plant densities of 50 000 plants/ha for maize and 125 000 plants/ha for black beans were used. In a comparison of planting times, both crops were sowed simultaneously, as well as each one seven, 14 and 21 days after the other. In each treatment, 140 kg N+40 kg P2O5 + 90 kg K2O/ha were applied. Best results were obtained with simultaneous sowing of 50 000 and 125 000 plants/ha of maize and beans respectively, with 40 cm between rows of maize and beans. Intrarow spacing of maize and bean plants was 50 cm and 20 respectively, with the fertilizers applied as indicated above in the second part.
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Turrialba; Vol. 36, no. 4
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