Now showing items 33-52 of 245

    • Assessing the accuracy and robustness of a process-based model for coffee agroforestry systems in Central America 

      Ovalle-Rivera, Oriana; Van Oijen, Marcel; Läderach, Peter; Roupsard, Olivier; Virginio Filho, Elias de Melo; Barrios, Mirna; Rapidel, Bruno (Springer, Nueva York (Estados Unidos), 2020)
      Coffee is often grown in production systems associated with shade trees that provide different ecosystem services. Management, weather and soil conditions are spatially variable production factors. CAF2007 is a dynamic ...
    • Assessing the joint effects of landscape, farm features and crop management practices on berry damage in coffee plantations 

      Vilchez-Mendoza, Sergio; Romero-Gurdián, Ali; Avelino, Jacques; DeClerck, Fabrice; Bommel, Pierre; Betbeder, Julie; Cilas, Christian; Bagny Beilhe, Leila (Elsevier, 2022-02-09)
      Evaluates the joint effects of crop management on plot level, farm characteristics, and landscape structure at different spatial scales on CBB infestation in 50 Costa Rican coffee farms. In five plants of each farm, the ...
    • Authentication of Coffea arabica Varieties through DNA Fingerprinting and its Significance for the Coffee Sector 

      Pruvot-Woehl, Solene; Krishnan, Sarada; Solano, William; Schilling, Tim; Toniutti, Lucile; Bertrand, Benoit; Montagnon, Christophe (2020-01)
      Background: Locating the optimal varieties for coffee cultivation is increasingly considered a key condition for sustainable production and marketing. Variety performance varies when it comes to susceptibility to coffee ...
    • Avifauna asociada a dos cacaotales tradicionales en la región de la Chontalpa 

      Ibarra M, A.; Estrada M, A. (UAEM, México, 2001)
    • AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds 

      Tobias, Joseph A.; Sheard, Catherine; Pigot, Alex L.; Devenish, Adam J. M.; Yang, Jingyi; Sayol, Ferran; Neate-Clegg, Montague H.C.; Alioravainen, Nico; Weeks, Thomas L.; y 106 autores más. (2022-02-24)
      Features the AVONET dataset containing comprehensive functional trait data for all birds, including six ecological variables, 11 continuous morphological traits, and range size and location information. Gross morphological ...
    • Biodiversity and the livestock sector - Guidelines for quantitative assessment 

      FAO (2020)
      The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on biodiversity, hereafter called Biodiversity TAG, is composed of 25 international experts in ecology, biodiversity indicators, agronomy, life cycle assessment, livestock production ...
    • Biodiversity recovery of Neotropical secondary forests 

      Rozendaal, Danaë; Aide, T. Mitchell; Ascarrunz, Nataly L.; Becknell, Justin; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Calvo-Rodriguez, Sofia; César, Ricardo; Condit, Richard; Almeida-Cortez, Jarcilene S.; Oliveira, Alexandre; Dent, Daisy; Dupuy, Juan M.; Dutrieux, Loïc; Fandino, María C.; Finegan, Bryan; González-Valdivia, Noel; Hall, Jefferson S.; Hubbell, Stephen; Hernández, Alma J.; Kennard, Deborah; Letcher, Susan; Lebrija-Trejos, Edwin; Martinez-Ramos, Miguel; Meave, Jorge A.; Mora, Francisco; Muñoz, Rodrigo; Norden, Natalia; Ochoa-Gaona, Susana; Ostertag, Rebecca; Pérez-García, Eduardo A.; Powers, Jennifer S.; Rodriguez-Buritica, Susana; Romero-Romero, Marco A.; Sanchez-Azofeifa, G. A.; Silver, Whendee L.; Wayt Thomas, William; Uriarte, María; van Breugel, Michiel; Venâncio Martins, Sebastião; Vester, Hans; Guimarães Vieira, Ima C.; Bruce Williamson, G.; Zimmerman, Jess; Bongers, Frans; Alvarez-Dávila, Esteban; Balvanera, Patricia; Vizcarra Bentos, Tony; Cabral, George A. L.; Chave, Jerome; Chazdon, Robin L.; Dallinga, Jorn; de Jong, Bernardus H. J.; Denslow, Julie S.; DeWalt, Saara; Durán, Sandra M.; Espírito-Santo, Mário M.; Wilson Fernandes, G.; García, Hernando; Granda Moser, Vanessa; Hernandez-Stefanoni, J. Luis; Jakovac, Catarina; Braga Junqueira, André; Larpin, Denis; Licona, Juan C.; Marin-Spiotta, Erika; Eduardo Massoca, Paulo; Mesquita, Rita C. G.; Müller, Sandra C.; de Oliveira Neto, Silvio N.; Ferreira Nunes, Yule R.; Ortiz, Edgar; Peña-Claros, M.; Piotto, Daniel; Aguilar-Cano, Jose; Rodríguez-Velázquez, Jorge; Ruiz, Jorge; de Almeida, Arlete Silva; Schwartz, Naomi; Toledo, Marisol; de Sá Sampaio, Everardo Valadares; van der wal, Hans; Magalhães Veloso, Maria Das Dores; Vicentini, Alberto; Villa, Pedro M.; Zanini, Kátia J.; Poorter, Lourens (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2019)
    • Biomass of timber species in Central American secondary forests: Towards climate change mitigation through sustainable timber harvesting 

      Souza Oliveira, Maïri; Finegan, Bryan; Casanoves, Fernando; Delgado, Diego; Sepulveda, Norvin; Aguilar Porras, Adriana; Chamorro, María Alejandra; Morales Aymerich, Jean Pierre; Ngo Bieng, Marie Ange (Elsevier, Ámsterdam (Países Bajos), 2021-06)
      Sustainable management of secondary forests for timber production offers the opportunity to combine nature-based climate change mitigation with direct improvement of human livelihoods in the tropics, but this dual potential ...
    • Botanical diversity, structure and composition in cocoa agroforest systems in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala 

      Villanueva, Cristóbal; y otros investigadores más (Scientia Agropecuaria, 2023-06-05)
      The tree composition in cocoa agroforestry systems (CAFS) in Guatemala is valued for providing a number of ecosystem services. Despite the importance of the trees in these systems, little is known about the tree species ...
    • Bourbon Pointu (Laurina) 

      Solano, William (2020)
      Este artículo muestra las características de la veriedad de café Bourbon Pointu el cual es una mutación del Coffea Arabica
    • Cacao agroforestry systems improve soil fertility: Comparison of soil properties between forest, cacao agroforestry systems, and pasture in the Colombian Amazon 

      Rodríguez Suárez, Leonardo; Suárez Salazar, Juan Carlos; Casanoves, Fernando; Ngo Bieng, Marie Ange (Elsevier, Ámsterdam (Países Bajos), 2021-01)
      The objective of our work was to evaluate soil quality in different cacao agroforestry systems (AFS) in the Colombian Amazon. We compared soil quality of AFS at the study site with soil quality of two control systems: a ...
    • Cacao cultivation as a livelihood strategy: contributions to the well‑being of Colombian rural households 

      Hernámdez-Núñez, Héctor Eduardo; Gutiérrez-Montes, Isabel; Bernal-Núñez, Angie Paola; Gutiérrez-García, Gustavo Adolfo; Suárez, Juan Carlos; Casanoves, Fernando; Butler Flora, Cornelia (Springer, Nueva York (Estados Unidos), 2021-07)
      Cacao cultivation is one of the most important livelihoods for rural households in Colombia, where it is promoted as a substitute for the illegal cultivation of coca. To strengthen Colombian cacao farming, it is important ...
    • CacaoFIT: the network of cacao field trials in Latin America and its contribution to sustainable cacao farming in the region 

      Orozco-Aguilar, Luis; López Sampson, Arlene; Cerda, Rolando H; Casanoves, Fernando; Somarriba, Eduardo; y otros más (2024-06-11)
      A network of agronomists, researchers, and practitioners associated with cacao farming provided open access to their independent field trials across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). A centralized dataset was assembled ...
    • Cadmium concentration in cocoa beans produced in agroforestry systems of small producers in Panama 

      Casanoves, Fernando; Villalaz-Pérez1, Jhon A; Villarreal-Núñez, José E; Santo-Pineda, Adolfo; Gutiérrez-Lezcano, Abiel; Merino, Agustín (CSIC, 2024-01-30)
      Aim of study: To calculate Cd concentration in cocoa plants and evaluate its relationship with available Cd and other soil properties. Area of study: Almirante, Bocas del Toro province, Panama, in 2020-2021. Material and ...
    • Calidad de la madera de Pinus oocarpa Schiede en Honduras: gravedad específica y contenido de extractivos 

      Guevara Moncada, Rubén (1989)
      Se estudiaron los parámetros más confiables para predecir la calidad de la madera de Pinus oocarpa Schiede (pino ocote) en árboles jóvenes procedentes de los departamentos de Comayagua y Olancho en Honduras, con muestreo ...
    • Canopy chlorophyll fluorescence applied to stress detection using an easy-to-build micro-lidar 

      Moya, Ismael; Loayza, Hildo; Llanos López, María; Quiroz, Roberto; Ounis, Abderrahmane; Goulas, Yves (Springer Link, 2019)
      LEDFLEX is a micro-lidar dedicated to the measurement of vegetation fluorescence. The light source consists of 4 blue Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) to illuminate part of the canopy in order to average the spatial variability ...
    • CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: I. Accelerating crop breeding for a changing climate 

      Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Molero Milan, Anabel; Alexandrov, Nickolai; Asseng, Senthold; Challinor, Andrew J.; Crossa, Jose; Eeuwijk, Fred van; Ghanem, Michel E.; y 14 autores más (American Society of Agronomy, 2020)
      Crop improvement efforts aiming at increasing crop production (quantity, quality) and adapting to climate change have been subject of active research over the past years. But, the question remains ‘to what extent can ...
    • CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Models for analyzing socioeconomic factors to improve policy recommendations 

      Kruseman, Gideon; Bairagi, Subir; Komarek, Adam M.; Molero Milan, Anabel; Nedumaran, Swamikannu; Petsakos, Athanasios; Prager, Steven; Yigezu, Yigezu A. (Agonomy Crop and Soil Science Societies, 2020)
      International crop-related research as conducted by the CGIAR uses crop modeling for a variety of purposes. By linking crop models with economic models and approaches, crop model outputs can be effectively used as inputs ...
    • Changes in the economics of coffee production between 2008 and 2019: a tale of two Central American countries 

      Leiva, Benjamín; Vargas, Adrián; Casanoves, Fernando (CATIE- Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 2024-06-09)
      Increasing costs of coffee production relative to coffee prices has led to concern across the industry of lack of profitability of coffee production especially for smallholders who comprise a large majority of producers. ...
    • Coffea Liberica 

      Solano, William (2020)
      Este artículo aborda la historia, características del Coffea Liberica
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