• Evaluación y estudio económico de curvas de crecimiento de cuatro líneas de cuyes 

      Zaldívar, M; Chauca, L; Chian M, J; Gutiérrez, N; Ganoza (IICA, San José (Costa Rica), 1991-01)
      Se asume que el peso de un animal no depende de la cantidad de alimento que consume sino de su bagaje genético, expresado mediante la variable de tiempo. En iguales condiciones de manejo y alimentación, los cuyes de las ...
    • Spillovers from targeting of incentives: Exploring responses to being excluded. 

      Alpízar, Francisco; Nordén, Anna; Pfaff, Alexander; Robalino, Juan (Elsevier, Ámsterdam (Países Bajos), 2017)
      A growing set of policies involve transfers conditioned upon socially desired actions, such as attending school or conserving forest. However, given a desire to maximize the impact of limited funds by avoiding transfers ...
    • Timber yield from smallholder agroforestry systems in Nicaragua and Honduras 

      Sousa, Kauê Feitosa Dias de.; Detlefsen Rivera, Guillermo; Virginio Filho, Elias de Melo; Tobar López, Diego; Casanoves, Fernando
      The importance of tropical timber is increasing worldwide. However, the timber supply of tropical forests has been greatly impacted by growing deforestation associated with complex and restrictive timber harvest laws. In ...
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