Voici les éléments 1-2 de 2
Aporte de biomasa y reciclaje de nutrientes en seis sistemas agroforestales de café (Coffea arabica var. Caturra), con tres niveles de manejo
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2006)En un ensayo experimental de sistemas agroforestales (SAF) de café (Coffea arabica variedad Caturra) en Turrialba, Costa Rica, se cuantificó el aporte de biomasa (MON) y el reciclaje de nutrientes (Ca, Mg, K, P y N) en 15 ... -
Effects of Erythrina poeppigiana pruning residues on soil organic matter in organic coffee plantations
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica) University of Wales, Bangor (RU). School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, 2005)The effects of Erythrina poeppigiana pruning residue effects on soil organic matter were investigated with three different objectives. Firstly, to study the effects of proximity of this shade tree on soil characteristics ...