• GLF partners make the connections an invitation 

    Weigelt, Jes; Simons, Tony; Frick, Martin; Louman, Bastiaan (2015-10-16)
    The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V., World Agroforestry Center, FAO and CATIE on behalf of the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA), telling us how a ...
  • Multidimensional tropical forest recovery 

    Pooter, Lourens; Craven, Dylan; Jakovac, Catarina C; van der Sander, Masha T; Amissah, Lucy; Bongers, Frans; Chazdon, Robin L; Farrior, Caroline E; Kambach, Stephan; Meave, Jorge A; Muñoz, Rodrigo; Norden, Natalia; Rüger, Nadja; van Breugel, Michiel; Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica María; Amani, Bienvenu; Andrade, José Luis; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Broadbent, Eben N; Foresta, Hubert de; Dent, Daisy H; Derroire, Géraldine; DeWalt, Saara J; Dupuy, Juan M.; Durán, Sandra M; Fantini, Alfredo C; Finegan, Bryan; 63 autores más (AAAS, Washington, DC (USA), 2021-12)
    Tropical forests disappear rapidly because of deforestation, yet they have the potential to regrow naturally on abandoned lands. We analyze how 12 forest attributes recover during secondary succession and how their ...
  • Geomorphological survey in the area between río Destierro and río Reventazón in Costa Rica 

    Meyles, E.W. (CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Atlantic Zone Programme Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen (Países Bajos) Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, San José (Costa Rica), 1997-06)
    A study was done to investigate the area between the rivers Destierro, Parismina and Reventazon in Costa Rica. It was the aim of this study to investigate the processes which have determined the facies and geomorphology ...
  • Positive Effects of Scattered Trees on Soil Water Dynamics in a Pasture Landscape in the Tropics 

    Benegas, Laura; Hasselquist, Niles; Bargués-Tobella, Aida; Malmer, Anders; Ilstedt, Ulrik (2021)
    As a result of canopy interception and transpiration, trees are often assumed to have negative effects on the local hydrological budget resulting in reduced soil and groundwater resources. However, it has also been shown ...
  • El gorgojo del pino (Dentroctonus sp.) en los bosques de coníferas de Guatemala 

    Leiva P., J.M. (CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 1980)
  • Influence of different densities of cocoa and oil palm on yield performances of cocoa 

    Kolade, J. A.; Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) (IICA, San José (Costa Rica), 1986)
    La presente investigación enfocó tres sistemas especiales de cultivo mixtos o intercalados de cacao y palma de aceite, bloques segregados de los dos cultivos (X), filas alternativas las de los dos (Y) y el arreglo del ...
  • Turrialba Volumen 37, número 4 

    Auteur inconnu (1987-10)
  • Claves para la identificación de algunas maderas en Costa Rica 

    Wiemann, M.C (1987-10)
    Se presentan dos claves para identificar maderas de árboles que crecen en Costa Rica. La primera es una clave diagramática basada en características visibles con una lupa de 10X o bien a simple vista. La segunda es una ...
  • Efeito da trifluralina na cinética de absorcao de fósforo pela soja 

    Rosolem, C.A; Malavolta, E (1987-10)
    The effects of Trifluralin upon soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill, c.v. Paraná) phosphorus uptake and translocation were studied in nutrient solution, utilizing 32 p. Concentrations of 0 to 4 ppm of trifluralin (a.i.) were ...
  • Classification of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) accessions in germplasm using index score method 

    Mohan, K.V.J; Bhagavan, S; Kumaran, P.M (1987-10)
    Se pretende clasificar 161 adquisiciones de arboles de marañón (Anacardium occidentale L.) en la Estación Experimental de Vittal, la India, utilizando índices basados en ciertos rasgos morfológicos y en las tasas de ...

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