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dc.contributor.authorJanardhan, K.V
dc.contributor.authorRaju, K.I
dc.contributor.authorGopal, N.H
dc.description.abstractStudies were carried out on the progressive changes in fresh weight, dry weight, water content, indoleacetic acid, activity of indoleacetic acid oxidase and carbohydrate fractions (reducing, non-reducing and total sugars and starch) associated with different floral phases of Coffea arabica "S.795" plants grown under field conditions at Central Coffee Research Institute, Chikmagalur District, Karnataka, South India. The relative quantitative changes in the fresh weight, dry matter cacumulation, water content and chemical compounds (under study) during the initial development, maturity, very little visible growth of mature flower buds, during enlargement of flower buds (after the receipt of blossom showers), in fully opened flowers and also in faded flowers (after pollination and fertilization) are described in detail. The possible metabolic role (s) of these chemical compounds during the different phases of flowering are discussed in the light of the existing knowledge on flowering in plants.es_ES
dc.format.extent8 páginases_ES
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es_ES
dc.relation.ispartofTurrialba; Vol. 27, no. 1es_ES
dc.subjectCoffea arabica||Coffea arabica||Coffea arabica||Coffea arabicaes_ES
dc.subjectFisiología de la nutrición||nutrition physiology||fisiologia da nutrição||physiologie de la nutritiones_ES
dc.subjectMetabolismo de carbohidratos||carbohydrate metabolism||metabolismo de hidratos de carbono||métabolisme des glucideses_ES
dc.subjectEtapas de desarrollo de la planta||plant developmental stages||fase de desenvolvimento da planta||stade de développement végétales_ES
dc.subjectCrecimiento de planta||plant growth||undefined||croissance de la plantees_ES
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales_ES
dc.titleEstudios fisiológicos sobre la floración del café en condiciones del sur de India. 6. Cambios en la tasa de crecimiento, ácido indolacético y metabolismo de carbohidratos durante el desarrollo y antesis de la yema florales_ES
dc.title.alternativePhysiological studies on flowering in coffee under South Indian conditions, 6: Changes in growth rate, indoleacetic acid and carbohydrate metabolism during flower bud development and anthesises_ES

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