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dc.contributor.authorGara, R.I
dc.contributor.authorCerda M, L
dc.contributor.authorKrahmer, E
dc.description.abstractField studies done near Valdivia, Chile, showed that H. chilensis emerge in late December and early January. Ch. childreni peak emergence was mid-March. March emergence was unusual, as ten years of yecords indicate peak February emegences, an extremely bot and diy swmmer was suggested as cause for the displacement. H. chilensis were more flight positive between 20:00 - 22:00 hrs, Ch. childreni flew during daylight hours. Males were flight positive from 08:00 hrs to 16:00 with a peak between 12:00 hrs and 14:00 hrs. Memale Ch. chilensis were poor fliers and could be stimulated to fly only between noon and 14:00 hrs. H. chilensis flight was recorded to occur between 09-19°C, Ch. childreni between 15°-18°C. Both cerambycids flew in windspeeds between 0.45m-sec to 1.4m-sec. Male H.chilensis and Ch. childreni responded to female sex attractants.es_ES
dc.format.extent6 páginases_ES
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es_ES
dc.relation.ispartofTurrialba; Vol. 28, no. 2es_ES
dc.subjectPlagas||pests||praga||organisme nuisiblees_ES
dc.subjectComportamiento sexual||sexual behaviour||comportamento sexual||comportement sexueles_ES
dc.subjectComportamiento reproductivo||reproductive behaviour||comportamento reprodutivo||comportement reproductifes_ES
dc.subjectComportamiento animal||animal behaviour||comportamento animal||comportement animales_ES
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales_ES
dc.titleSobre la emergencia y vuelo de dos cerambícidos chilenos: Holopterus chilensis y Cheloderus childrenies_ES
dc.title.alternativeEmergence and flight of two Chilean Cerambicidae: Holopterus chilensis and Cheloderus childrenies_ES

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