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dc.contributor.authorEdje, O.T
dc.contributor.authorMughogho, L.K
dc.description.abstractIndeterminate beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were grown on 9l cm ridges in three seasons to compare the effects of no staking, vertical and horizontal staking on the seed yield and seed quality of beans. The seed yields, pooled over years, for no staking, vertical and horizontal staking methods were 1,178, 2,069 and 2,061 kg/ha, respectively, indicating that both vertical and horizontal methods of staking had comparable results. It was easier to train vines on rougher than on smoother stakes and on vertical than on horizontal stakes. Staking also produced higher quality seeds because of higher pod clearance above the ground which resulted in fewer pods resting on the ground with staked than with unstaked plants.es_ES
dc.format.extent6 páginases_ES
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es_ES
dc.relation.ispartofTurrialba; Vol. 28, no. 1es_ES
dc.subjectPhaseolus vulgaris||Phaseolus vulgaris||Phaseolus vulgaris||Phaseolus vulgarises_ES
dc.subjectFríjol (phaseolus)||common beans||feijão (phaseolus)||haricot communes_ES
dc.subjectRendimiento de cultivos||crop yield||rendimento de cultura||rendement des cultureses_ES
dc.subjectCalidad de las semillas||seed quality||qualidade da semente||qualité des semenceses_ES
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales_ES
dc.titleEfecto del estacado sobre el rendimiento y calidad de frijoles trepadoreses_ES
dc.title.alternativeEffect of staking on yield and quality of indeterminate beans [Phaseolus vulgaris]es_ES

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