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dc.contributor.authorTaleisnik, E
dc.contributor.authorPacheco, R
dc.description.abstractDefficient Coffea arabica L. plants were treated with CaNO, (114%15N) in doses ranging from 25 to 200 kg/ha of N The effect of the treatments on the activity of nitrate reductase and on Nitrate Assimilation Potential was evaluated. Both parameters were equally sensitive to the nutritional status of the plants, but the use of the Nitrate Assimilation Potential is preferred as a diagnostic tool for it compensates for fluctuations in activity due lo environmental factors. Nitrate Assimilation Potentid zalues lower than 1.6 were evidenced by adeguately nonrished plants, while defficient ones presented values higher than 2. In leaves, 25 per cent of the N was derived from the fertilizer when a dose of 100 kg/ha was supplied, and 40 per cent was derived from it tohen supplymg 200 kg/ha At 150 ke/ha of N, an incipient saturation of the nitrate absorbing system was evidenced, while the activity of the nitrate assimilation system became stable from he 100 kg/ha dose on.es_ES
dc.format.extent6 páginases_ES
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es_ES
dc.relation.ispartofTurrialba; Vol. 30, no.1es_ES
dc.subjectCoffea arabica||Coffea arabica||Coffea arabica||Coffea arabicaes_ES
dc.subjectAbonos nitrogenados||nitrogen fertilizers||adubo azotado||engrais azotées_ES
dc.subjectNitrato reductasa||nitrate reductase||nitrato redutase||nitrate réductasees_ES
dc.subjectActividad enzimática||enzyme activity||actividade enzimática||activité enzymatiquees_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis de tejidos||tissue analysis||análise de tecidos||analyse de tissuses_ES
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales_ES
dc.titleEvaluación del efecto de dosis crecientes de nitrato sobre la actividad de la reductasa del nitrato; nitrógeno derivado del fertilizante en cafetoes_ES
dc.title.alternativeAnacardium excelsum, a timber species from the tropicses_ES

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