Now showing items 591-600 of 4375

    • The impact of protected area governance and management capacity on ecosystem function in Central America 

      Muñoz Brenes, Carlos L.; Jones, Kelly W.; Schlesinger, Peter; Robalino, Juan; Vierling, Lee (Frédéric Mertens, Universidade de Brasilia (Brasil), 2018)
      Protected areas (PAs) are a prominent approach to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services. A critical question for safeguarding these resources is how PA governance processes and management structures ...
    • Protected area types, strategies and impacts in Brazil’s Amazon: public protected area strategies do not yield a consistent ranking of protected area types by impact 

      Pfaff, Alexander; Robalino, Juan; Sandoval, Catalina; Herrera, Diego (The Royal Society, Londres (Reino Unido), 2015)
      The leading policy to conserve forest is protected areas (PAs). Yet, PAs are not a single tool: land users and uses vary by PA type; and public PA strategies vary in the extent of each type and in the determinants of impact ...
    • Trade, Domestic Frictions, and Scale Effects 

      Ramondo, Natalia; Rodríguez-Clare, Andrés; Saborío-Rodríguez, Milagro (2016-10)
      Because of scale effects, idea-based growth models imply that larger countries should be much richer than smaller ones. New trade models share the same counterfactual feature. In fact, new trade models exhibit other ...
    • Reputation and Household Recycling Practices: Field Experiments in Costa Rica. 

      Alpízar, Francisco; Gsottbauer, Elisabeth (2013-12)
      Pro-environmental behavior is the willingness to cooperate and contribute to environmental public goods. A good understanding of why individuals undertake pro-environmental actions is important in order to construct policies ...
    • Unintended Effects of Targeting an Environmental Rebate 

      Alpízar, Francisco; Nordén, Anna; Pfaff, Alexander; Robalino, Juan (Springer, Berlín (Alemania), 2015)
      When designing schemes such as conditional cash transfers or payments for ecosystem services, the choice of whom to select and whom to exclude is critical.We incentivize and measure actual contributions to an environmental ...
    • Marine protected areas in Costa Rica: How do artisanal fishers respond? 

      Madrigal-Ballestero, Róger; Albers, Heidi J.; Capitán, Tabaré; Salas, Ariana (2017)
      Costa Rica is considering expanding their marine protected areas (MPAs) to conserve marine resources. Due to the importance of households’ responses to an MPA in defining the MPA’s ecological and economic outcomes, this ...
    • Local Community Characteristics and Cooperation for Shared Green Reputation 

      Rivera, Jorge; Naranjo, Maria Angelica; Robalino, Juan; Alpizar, Francisco; Blackman, Allen (2016-01)
      This article examines how basic socioeconomic and political factors are associated with higher levels of cooperation to garner a local community’s shared green reputation. We analyze panel data on participation efforts in ...
    • Inequality and the Biosphere 

      Hamann, Maike; Berry, Kevin; Chaigneau, Tomas; Curry, Tracie; Heilmayr, Robert; Henriksson, Patrik J.G.; Hentati-Sundberg, Jonas; Jina, Amir; Lindkvist, Emilie; y 10 autores más. (2018)
      Rising inequalities and accelerating global environmental change pose two of the most pressing challenges of the twenty-first century. To explore how these phenomena are linked, we apply a social ecological systems perspective ...
    • Heterogeneous Local Spillovers from Protected Areas in Costa Rica 

      Robalino, Juan; Pfaff, Alexander; Villalobos, Laura (2017)
      Spillovers can significantly reduce or enhance the net effects of land-use policies, yet there exists little rigorous evidence concerning their magnitudes. We examine how Costa Rica’s national parks affect deforestation ...
    • Climate change impacts and adaptation among smallholder farmers in Central America 

      Harvey, Celia A.; Saborío-Rodríguez, Milagro; Martínez-Rodríguez, M. Ruth; Viguera, Barbara; Chain-Guadarrama, Adina; Vinola, Raffaele; Alpízar, Francisco (2018-08)
      Smallholder farmers are one of the most vulnerable groups to climate change, yet efforts to support farmer adaptation are hindered by the lack of information on how they are experiencing and responding to climate change. ...
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