Browsing by Subject "RASGOS FUNCIONALES"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A functional trait based approach to understand tropical forest composition and function in a Costa Rican landscape
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2014)Quantifying the factors driving tropical forest composition, structure and function is a continuous area of ecological research. Recently, novel approaches have enabled research questions on this topic to be addressed not ... -
AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds
(2022-02-24)Features the AVONET dataset containing comprehensive functional trait data for all birds, including six ecological variables, 11 continuous morphological traits, and range size and location information. Gross morphological ... -
Caracterización de propiedades funcionales de bosques secundarios restaurados en potreros abandonados de la Península de Nicoya, Costa Rica
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2017)Se estudió las propiedades funcionales de tres tipos florísticos de bosques secundarios restaurados en potreros abandonados en la península de Nicoya, Costa Rica, a partir del análisis de 17 rasgos funcionales de 63 especies ... -
Diversidad en sistemas agroforestales de Centroamérica: una aproximación desde el enfoque funcional
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2016)Los sistemas agroforestales en Centroamérica se caracterizan por tener gran diversidad de especies que proporcionan una amplia gama de servicios ecosistémicos. En esta investigación se evaluó la diversidad funcional de los ... -
Diversidad y composición florística y funcional de los bosques del Parque Nacional Montecristo, El Salvador
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2011)el enfoque de ecología funcional contribuye a entender mejor los procesos ecosistémicos claves en estos bosques tropicales de El Salvador. Se estudió la estructura, composición florística y diversidad funcional de los ... -
Dung Beetle Assemblages Attracted to Cow and Horse Dung: The Importance of Mouthpart Traits, Body Size, and Nesting Behavior in the Community Assembly Process
(MDPI, Basel (Switzerland), 2021-08)Dung beetles use excrement for feeding and reproductive purposes. Although they use a range of dung types, there have been several reports of dung beetles showing a preference for certain feces. However, exactly what ... -
Factors affecting variation in forest community characteristics and leaf-litter decomposition in tropical montane forest of Chiapas, México A functional ecology approach
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2016)A functional ecology approach was combined with floristic studies to seek increased ecological understanding of forest characteristics and processes in the Central Highlands of Chiapas State, Mexico. The study had two main ... -
FDiversity: a software package for the integrated analysis of functional diversity
(2011-01)1. The growing interest in functional diversity has been accompanied by a proliferation of indices proposed to calculate its different components; however, empirical studies have been hampered by a lack of integrated tools ... -
Functional responses to anthropogenic disturbance and the importance of selected traits: A study case using dung beetles
(2021-06-17)Evaluate the functional diversity of dung beetles associated with the Atlantic Forest replacement using a matrix with 25 functional traits (10 morphological, four ethological and 11 physiological). Compare functional ... -
Genotype–environment interactions shape leaf functional traits of cacao in agroforests
(Springer, Nueva York (Estados Unidos), 2021)The outbreak of frosty (Moniliophthora roreri) and black pod (Phytophthora palmivora) in Central American cacao agroforests throughout the 1980s led to the breeding of Theobroma cacao clones resistant to these diseases. ... -
Impacto potencial del cambio climático en bosques de un gradiente altitudinal a través de rasgos funcionales
(CATIE,Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2013)Se evaluó la respuesta de la vegetación a la variabilidad ambiental y el impacto potencial del cambio climático a los ecosistemas de montaña. En general la diversidad funcional disminuye con la altitud. Las mejores condiciones ... -
El régimen de incendio y los rasgos funcionales de Quercus en los ecosistemas de montaña de Guatemala
(Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), 2020)Los incendios funcionan como un filtro ambiental y relacionado a éstos las plantas pueden exhibir rasgos funcionales de respuesta al fuego. Por esta razón, y tomando en cuenta que múltiples estudios demuestran que Quercus ... -
Shade tree identity rather than diversity influences soil macrofauna in cacao-based agroforestry systems
(Elsevier, Ámsterdam (Netherlands), 2021-09)Humanity is facing a rapid decline in global biodiversity, caused mainly by tropical deforestation through industrial and smallholder agriculture. However, smallholder agriculture landscapes host areas containing home ... -
Shade tree traits and microclimate modifications: Implications for pathogen management in biodiverse coffee agroforests
(Wiley Biotropica, New Jersey (Estados Unidos), 2021-04)Diversified coffee agroforests modify microclimate conditions in comparison with monocultures, impacting the success of significant plant pathogens, such as Hemileia vastatrix, which causes coffee leaf rust (CLR). However, ...