Now showing items 1-10 of 53
Synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services in Costa Rica
Ecosystems services have become a key concept
in understanding the way humans benefit from
ecosystems. In Costa Rica, a pioneer national
scheme of payment provides compensation for forest
conservation that is assumed ...
Diseño de una red estructural de conservación en un sector del Corredor Biológico San Juan-La Selva, Costa Rica
Los procesos antrópicos que provocan la fragmentación del bosque, han sido muy evidentes en el sector conocido como “Tapón de Chilamate” en el Corredor Biológico San Juan-La Selva (CBSS). La vulnerabilidad de este ecosistema ...
Biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes of Mesoamerica : past, present and future
Mesoamerica provides a unique context for biodiversity conservation in managed landscapes because of
its geography, history of human intervention, and present conservation and development initiatives. The
long and narrow ...
Agricultura clilmáticamente inteligente en Costa Rica
(Banco Mundial, Washington, DC (Estados Unidos), 2014)
Effects of trees on infiltrability and preferential flow in two contrasting agroecosystems in Central America
We tested the hypothesis that trees have measurable effects on infiltrability, macroporosity, and pref-erential flows in agrosilvopastoral systems. Managing agricultural systems for water conservation is acritical component ...